API Documentation


PickleDB(path) → Initialize a PickleDB instance with the specified path.

PickleDB Class Methods

set(key, value) → Add or update a key-value pair in the database.

get(key) → Retrieve the value associated with a key.

remove(key) → Delete a key and its value from the database.

all() → Retrieve a list of all keys in the database.

purge() → Clear all keys and values from the database.

save(option) → Save the current state of the database to the file.


AsyncPickleDB(path) → Initialize an AsyncPickleDB instance with the specified path.

AsyncPickleDB Class Methods

aset(key, value) → Asynchronously add or update a key-value pair in the database.

aget(key) → Asynchronously retrieve the value associated with a key.

aremove(key) → Asynchronously delete a key and its value from the database.

aall() → Asynchronously retrieve a list of all keys in the database.

apurge() → Asynchronously clear all keys and values from the database.

asave() → Asynchronously save the current state of the database to the file.


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